The Keys to a Successful Predictive Maintenance Program

The Keys to a Successful Predictive Maintenance Program

Implementing a predictive maintenance program (PdM) can be an intense process. Collecting, standardizing, and analyzing data. Developing and refining predictive models. Analyzing results and documenting insights. With so many steps, the amount of time and money invested in a PdM system can quickly add up. This is why a failed predictive maintenance can be devastating for a business. To help organizations avoid this, Sheila Kennedy laid out the top seven factors that lead to a successful predictive maintenance program in…

The Top 4 Problems Maintenance Managers Face

The Top 4 Problems Maintenance Managers Face

Time and time again, we have heard from successful, industry leading Maintenance Managers looking for a way to more effectively manage their teams and assets.  In this post, we’ve laid out the top 4 features they have been asking for: 1. I want to see the work assigned to all my technicians in one place Having work orders scattered and separated by technician type can be frustrating. By putting all of the work assigned to their technicians in one place,…

Enable Maintenance Managers to Improve Maintenance Productivity While in the Field

Enable Maintenance Managers to Improve Maintenance Productivity While in the Field

Thousands of organizations worldwide have adopted and deployed SAP Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and SAP Mobile Work Manager (WM) to manage maintenance of enterprise wide assets. These applications are intended to improve productivity and equipment uptime while reducing maintenance costs. These incredibly powerful tools have transformed the maintenance process, however, there are functional gaps which inhibit organizations from maximizing return on investment and achieving operational excellence. Challenge One of these gaps is the inability to manage maintenance teams while on-the-go….

Supporting Mobile Apps Without Additional Staffing

Supporting Mobile Apps Without Additional Staffing

IT budgets used to be robust and resources plentiful, remember those days? Many of our customers have been doing more with less as companies look for ways to trim budgets and become even more competitive in a global economy. At the same time, applications and systems are more diverse as companies look for “best of breed” offerings to further their cost saving initiatives. As these two concepts diverge, IT leadership is tasked with maintaining order and using software and systems…

SAP Asset Manager vs. SAP Work Manager: Which is right for you?

SAP Asset Manager vs. SAP Work Manager: Which is right for you?

In the age of the Intelligent Enterprise, deploying mobility to your field workers has been proven to drive material Enterprise return on investment. The question today isn’t “should we implement a mobile solution?”, it’s “which mobile solution should we implement?” There are two primary options for SAP enterprise mobility: SAP Work Manager and SAP Asset Manager. With only 2 options it should be an easy decision, but there are a variety of factors to weigh when choosing the right solution…

SAP Asset Manager: How IT and the Business Both Win

SAP Asset Manager: How IT and the Business Both Win

In part 1 of this 3 part series on SAP Asset Manager and SAP Work Manager, we gave a brief overview of both products and provided a few factors companies should weigh when deciding if SAP Asset Manager or SAP Work Manager is right for their organization. This segment will dig deeper into the SAP Asset Manager deployment process and how it provides advantages to both Business and IT teams. Business Benefits of SAP Asset Manager One aspect to consider…

SAP Asset Manager: Support Your Cloud Strategy

SAP Asset Manager: Support Your Cloud Strategy

The previous two segments of this series focused on choosing between SAP Work Manager and SAP Asset Manager and exploring the technical benefits of SAP Asset Manager. This final segment of our series is focused on the transition to SAP Asset Manager. Based upon our implementation experience, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to deploying SAP Asset Manager. In the sections below, you will find answers to these FAQs, followed by a step by step…

Customer Perspectives on Outsourcing IT Support

Customer Perspectives on Outsourcing IT Support

Advancing and maintaining enterprise solutions while managing multiple high priority initiatives is a challenge many organizations face today. In a previous post, we covered how businesses can leverage our Priority Customer Assistance Program (PCAP) to support mobile applications without additional staffing. This segment will highlight additional benefits our customers experience by participating in the program and how these benefits have allowed their internal resources to be more impactful on high priority strategic initiatives. Havensight offers PCAP to any customer who…

How to Make an SAP Work Manager or SAP Asset Manager Deployment More Productive

How to Make an SAP Work Manager or SAP Asset Manager Deployment More Productive

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford These words from Henry Ford ring true for the success of organizations but are especially relevant for maintenance managers sponsoring mobility solutions for their teams. As a maintenance manager, you’re looking for ways to help your team become more efficient in the field. Mobility applications such as SAP Work Manager (SAP WM) and SAP Asset Manager (SAM) give your team the capability to improve productivity…

7 Questions to Ask When Considering an SAP Asset Manager Implementation

7 Questions to Ask When Considering an SAP Asset Manager Implementation

We recently shared a series on SAP Work Manager and SAP Asset Manager describing when to choose one product versus the other and how each benefit customers in different ways. The ideas and concepts outlined in the series have generated a number of customer inquiries about whether or not now is the right time to make the move from SAP Work Manager to SAP Asset Manager. This week, we’ll lay out seven key considerations to ponder as you debate this…